Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oscar Style 2011- Anne Hathaway

Hey dolls! Whos watching the Oscars? ME! Well the style is beautiful! Heres my 'Fashion Police':

Anne Hathaway-

                -Anne in an extravagent red Valentino dress. I adore the one shoulder, but draping below that. It grips and holds in the right places, and the silver earrings are so complamenting to the dress along with her sleek updo. I think this look is perfect for Anne Hathaway.
                                        Stylist- Rachel Zoe

So this is my report so far! Let the beautiful dresses keep rolling in! Dont forgot to comment your opinions to this dress, and all the others, have a nice Oscar day!

                                                                                                        God Bless,

Friday, February 18, 2011

What's This Site About?

     Hey dolls, if you don't know me, my name is Hannah! I have another site you are more than welcomed to check out! I do posts every other day on there, so if I dont post on here all the time, check out my main site for the daily posts. The site adress is-  So check that out. . .

ANNDDD.... This site will be about fashion, beauty, and all things girlie! My main one is basically a personal site, like what happens everyday. Dont get me wrong, that site has some fashion, just not as much as here! Lol. So yeah! Thanks dolls! So go ahead and browse around this website, and excpect more posts soon!

                                                                                  God Bless,